What do we mean when we say "Fediverse Test Suite"?
Let’s start with the term Test Suite. This is what Wikipedia has to say about it:
In software development, a test suite, … is a collection of test cases that are intended to be used to test a software program to show that it has some specified set of behaviors.
About Test Case, it says:
… a test case is a specification of the inputs, execution conditions, testing procedure, and expected results that define a single test to be executed to achieve a particular software testing objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement.
Test cases underlie testing that is methodical rather than haphazard.
This latter sentence is really important. One of our goals is to make it possible for a range of parties (more about that later) to methodically test the Fediverse, which would be a significant advance over the state of the art.
An important aspect of testing methodically is to get as much test coverage as possible, i.e. systematically tests as large of a percentage of the behaviors of the Fediverse as possible. There are significant technical (and organizational, and resource) challenges to overcome to accomplish this (more about this later), but our goal is to get that coverage across all components as high as we can make it.
The Fediverse, for our purposes here, we can define as a global network of communicating “Fediverse instances”, i.e. running software applications, implemented and operated by a variety of parties. These instances interact with each other on a voluntary basis, based on set of agreed-upon protocols and conventions.
Today’s Fediverse is centered around the ActivityStreams Core, ActivityStreams Vocabulary and ActivityPub standards as published by the World-Wide-Web Consortium. However, today’s Fediverse would not be functional with only agreement on those W3C standards. For example, the use of the IETF’s RFC7033: WebFinger standard is also required, and a fairly significant number of conventions that are not standardized and sometimes only partially codified, such as:
The use of HTTP Signatures in a now-obsolete draft, as pioneered by Mastodon.
Various Fediverse Enhancement Proposals.
The use the “Note” object in preference to many other defined object types which are not broadly understood by participating software.
Conventions for using only a subset of the power of JSON-LD.
… and more.
So our scope here is not merely ActivityPub, but the set of all protocols and conventions that are used to make today’s Fediverse work. Conversely, there are features in the relevant standards that aren’t really used in the Fediverse today, so we won’t spend much time on those.
Of course, the Fediverse is not a static construct. Developers build new cool features all the time, which often require, or suggest extensions or improvements to some of the protocols and conventions currently in use. The Fediverse Test Suite is intended to be flexible in growing with the Fediverse, in whatever direction it develops. Specifically, it should be easy for developers to extend the test suite to support the testing of additional protocols and conventions.