
Developing FediTest: a journey with surprises

By Johannes Ernst


We released FediTest V0.4 yesterday, which is a significant step forward towards making FediTest more useful when testing Fediverse implementations in the real world. The journey has been longer and more time-consuming than we(*) expected. I thought I outline a few reasons why.

  • We first thought we could build FediTest on top of the PyUnit unit testing framework. It does a lot of things already that we wanted FediTest to do, like discovering tests and producing reports etc. We figured that we could at least use its guts and perhaps implement more suitable command-line arguments on top to specify FediTest-specific things like Test Plans and Constellations.

    Diving into it, after a while it became clear that this was not a good idea. It would have been a nightmare to explain and support – even if we had been able to find a good way of hooking into the PyUnit codebase, which we didn’t. PyUnit does so many things, in so many different ways, while FediTest needs some rather unusual things (like running the same tests with different Constellations) that are rather more involved to instantiate and configure than a typical test fixture. If we married them together, we could not see how this would produce anything that could be understood either by us as developers or our future users.

    So we built something entirely new from the ground up. Which is fit-for-purpose, doesn’t carry code we don’t need and can be understood. But it took its time and a few extra 1000 lines of code.

  • Testing the public-facing WebFinger and ActivityPub JSON documents initially seemed straightforward: just do a few HTTP GETs and check the results. Which went fine as far as WebFinger went, and we released first results some months ago.

    But then Meta’s ActivityPub implementation in Threads started becoming available, and it turns out they don’t even serve Actor documents without authentication of the client through HTTP Signatures. Considering this, we thought it was very possible, even likely, that other commercial ActivityPub implementors would follow the same approach. Which we really want to be able to test with FediTest.

    To access those access-controlled JSON documents, first keys need to be exchanged, and that requires HTTPS requests in both directions! Which would require our FediTest script to not only run an HTTP server in a parallel thread – something we had implemented already! – but at a DNS-resolvable hostname with an official TLS cert. Which wasn’t going to happen: The FediTest script is supposed to be run by a developer on their day-to-day workstation, with changing IP address and behind firewalls and all that. And requiring a tunnel with a public endpoint seemed impractical for many developers and many scenarios.

    If would also require FediTest to implement a significant part of the Fediverse protocol stack itself, which we wanted to avoid.

    So we changed the architectural assumption, with the corresponding major code changes. The FediTest code itself would not attempt to be a web server (out goes the web server code!). Instead, for all other than the most basic situations (WebFinger!) it would delegate to a special-purpose Diagnostic Node that could run remotely from FediTest itself, at a well-known IP address and with an official certificate.

    Yep, it makes things more complicated, but that Node is required anyway, otherwise how could one test other scenarios that require HTTP signatures and official hostnames and TLS certificates?

  • That approach also allows us to create Constellations of various real-world Fediverse applications that include specially instrumented Nodes that can attempt to disrupt the federation from the inside, so to speak. While we don’t have code for that yet, we have are some ideas for a “Hungarian Babelbox” node (think of it as Douglas Adams’ Babelfish using Monty Python’s Hungarian Phrasebook – hilarity ensues). This could be used to test resilience against (unintentional) protocol bugs and (intentional) attacks.

  • The requirement to be able to run the same tests against a local Constellation (e.g. with all Nodes in a virtual machine with local IP addresses and a local certificate authority) and across multiple servers with public IP address (e.g. when an App is only available as SaaS) made framework design a bit challenging, too. But we found a way.

  • Locally, cleanly installing Fediverse applications such as Mastodon for testing purposes seemed quite possible, because of UBOS Gears. What we didn’t think of was that these applications would have active defenses against running them locally! They generally fall into the category of defenses against server-side request forgeries, and prevent you from having them access IP addresses from ranges that are not intended to be on the public internet.

    Fortunately, we found settings and/or workarounds that didn’t take too much time, but they are application-specific and not exactly well-documented. Another chunk of time spent.

  • Nope, merely putting hostnames into /etc/hosts is not good enough for some applications. You actually have to resolve all your hostnames with DNS. Mastodon won’t even let you create new accounts from the command-line unless the domain name of the e-mail address DNS-resolves and is fully-qualified. (Not that the error message would indicate that. This was found through trial and error.) So we needed a local DNS server.

    Fortunately, it turns out that systemd-resolved can be configured to serve DNS requests from the entries in /etc/hosts, so beyond having to find an approach, which took its time, the actual implementation was not very complicated.

  • Similarly, many Fediverse applications are not willing to respond to HTTP (rather than HTTPS requests). The standards (like WebFinger and ActivityPub) require HTTPS anyway, and that requires certificate validation. So off we go, creating a local certificate authority. Fortunately, we had done this before and that itself didn’t take much time. But… it needed more time and more code.

  • Of course, if you create a local certificate authority, you need to insert that into your system’s trust root, otherwise we can bet that some applications won’t work because it doesn’t have an application-level way of specifying an alternate trust root. Which turned out to be true.

    Ever heard of update-ca-trust? We hadn’t either but we’ve put it to work.

  • And it still didn’t work. Turns out Python’s virtual environments (venv) create a snapshot of the system trust store at the time of venv creation and use that every time you run code in the venv. So dynamically creating a new CA on every FediTest test run conflicted with using a venv, which was infuriating. (Why would it do this in the first place? Does venv have Linux container envy?)

    Workaround: All HTTPS requests made by FediTest themselves use a custom request.Session instance that points to the system trust root, not the venv trust root.

  • And it still didn’t work with WordPress. Turns out WordPress also ships its own certificate authority. Probably in the name of user-friendliness. Or to mess with people like us. Or both.

    Workaround: overwrite that file with a symlink to the system trust store upon deployment of WordPress.

  • Speaking of user-friendliness and WordPress. Sending outgoing ActivityPub messages generally requires an App to queue outgoing requests separately. Mastodon runs a separate daemon for that. WordPress doesn’t – and instead has a pseudo-queue that is worked down gradually when HTTP requests come in, as a side effect of people visiting the site. Which is what the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress uses. Which means that in an automated testing environment without users, like when running FediTest, outgoing ActivityPub posts are never even attempted.

    Workaround: extra HTTP requests on the WordPress instance. At the time of this writing, they work most of the time, but not all the time. We are hoping for help.

  • We script Mastodon and WordPress through the Mastodon API (built into Mastodon, and available as plugin for WordPress). Sounds great, right? Except that the Mastodon API is underdefined and there are significant differences in how the two code bases implement it. (Anybody want to write a test suite for Mastodon API implementations? Or rather, come up with a better API, e.g. based on the ActivityPub API? You have our vote.)

    Example: Both Mastodon and WordPress+plugins implement a “search” API endpoint that is used to trigger the lookup of remote actors. In Mastodon, one can use this API to look up remote actors specified as https Actor URIs. In WordPress+plugins, only acct handles (e.g. @user@example) can be searched for. So if you develop against Mastodon first – as we did – and use an ActivityPub-centric (rather than WebFinger-centric) approach to identifiers – as we did – you come to realize later that this cannot be made to work for WordPress+plugins.

    So we had to go back and rewrite a bunch of code to be driven acct handles rather than ActivityPub https URIs. More work.

  • How does one talk to the Mastodon API anyway? mastodon.py looked like a great Python library for exactly that purpose, so we used it. Except that debugging the differences between the Mastodon and the WordPress plugin implementations one level removed turned out to take more time than ripping it back out and going direct.

    So that’s what we did. More rewrites.

  • And of course one needs an OAuth access token to access the API. Where to get it from? Without the user and their browser in the loop?

    Fortunately, in case of Mastodon, they still allow user/password-based token issuance in 4.2 (although it is supposed to go away). In case of WordPress, we implemented a hack suggested by the Enable Mastodon Apps plugin developer. Open-source developers and their responsiveness for the win!

  • But overall, the biggest time sink has been conceptual. What are the bits and pieces, the objects and classes, the configuration options, test and other files, invocation scenarios, etc etc so that developers can:

    • as easily as possible
    • define tests that work against any Fediverse application, or combination of Fediverse applications in Constellations that may include several Nodes
    • tests that are rooted in standards and specifications where they exist
    • and defensible when they merely test common practice but no official specification for certain behaviors exists
    • on applications on which accounts need to exist that can be driven from the test
    • and driving them and other behaviors may or may not be possible through custom APIs for some applications
    • some of which can be installed locally, and some only exist as SaaS hosted sites
    • using any tech stack under the sun
    • and run them in as automated mode as possible
    • from a clean slate, as tests are supposed to be
    • without requiring lots of up-front integration work
    • producing results that can be understood?

    Of course, some of these requirements are in conflict. But where is the best tradeoff? And can we find a way of making things work with little up-front work for a new application, and more comfortable with more up-front work?

    I think we have found good tradeoffs. But they have not come cheaply in terms of time spent: The number of refactors in this project has been unusually high for these conceptual reasons, and I can think of a few more that could be beneficial. But … at the current version, the conceptual state of affairs is reasonably good now.

Check out some of the new test reports published today: Community-contributed test results.

… and I certainly hope for fewer surprises in the future :-)

(*)Well, it’s been mostly me making assumptions and I guess that means that’s also mostly me who got surprised!