
Definitions for some of the terms we use.

An application that can be tested with FediTest.
The set of Nodes participating in a particular Test Plan Session.
Diagnostic Node
A special-purpose Node that can be instrumented to behave in a particular way and provides detailed diagnostics.
A special Node used for WebFinger testing.
An instance of an application that communicates with other Nodes during testing. Also an API to that Node.
Node Driver
An API to provision, unprovision, control and observe Nodes.
A Node in a Constellation whose App is currently being tested
Protocol-level Testing
A test activity whose goal is to determine whether a Node implements a protocol correctly.
The results of executing a Test Plan.
A term we use to refer to Nodes that are already running at well-known hostnames.
System-level Testing
A test activity whose goal is to determine whether a constellation of Nodes deliver the expected distributed functionality.
Test Plan
A sequence of tests in a Test Plan Session Template, run once each for one or more Constellations.
Test Plan Session Template
A sequence of tests to run without specifying the Constellation.
Test Run
The execution of a particular Test Plan.
UBOS Gears
Software to manage self-hosted applications.