Getting a taste of FediTest

If you have 10 minutes…

  • Get FediTest:

    % pip install feditest
  • Get the tests that test the Fediverse (for readability, shown on several lines):

    % git clone --branch v0.3 \
          --recurse-submodules \

    % cd feditest-tests-fediverse
  • Run our WebFinger Server tests against a public Fediverse instance for which you have permission, such as your own Mastodon account.

    $ feditest run --testplan examples/testplans/webfinger-server-imp-vs-saas-any.json --html quickstart-results.html

    It will ask you a few questions (you are running a generic Test Plan after all). Make sure to enter account identifiers with an acct: scheme, such as

  • Open the generated HTML file quickstart-results.html. You find the tests whose results you just opened in directory tests/webfinger/server.

If you have 60-90 minutes …


Coming soon past version 0.2 0.3. The documentation is ahead of the code! When has that ever happened? But here we are.

… then we can do better than just one-sided WebFinger tests. Instead we will test how Mastodon interacts with WordPress’s ActivityPub support with brand-new instances for both that run in a virtualized Linux container. For this Quickstart, the container needs to run UBOS Linux, a Linux distro that’s optimized for automating installation and configuration of web applications.

  • Go to the UBOS Developer setup, pick one of the options, and follow the instructions. Ignore what it says about UBOS Mesh.

  • Come back here once you have your development virtual machine running, and the Linux container in it.

  • Now, in the non-root shell you started in your container with machinectl shell ...:

  • Get FediTest:

    % pip install feditest
  • Get the tests that test the Fediverse (for readability, shown on several lines):

    % git clone --branch v0.3 \
          --recurse-submodules \

    % cd feditest-tests-fediverse
  • Run a pre-defined Test Plan that automatically installs and configures Mastodon and WordPress with the ActivityPub plugin, and then executes a series of tests.

    $ feditest run --testplan examples/testplans/fediverse-follow-mastodon-local-ubos-vs-wordpress-local-ubos.js --html quickstart-results.html
  • Open the generated HTML file quickstart-results.html. You can use pre-installed Firefox in your VM to open that file. It is in the same location in the file system as in the container.

    You find the tests whose results you just opened in sub-directories of directory tests.